As a regulated financial institution, you know that deposit insurance and government support is critical to growing your business. You are also keenly aware of the growing cost and complexity of demonstrating compliance with an increasing array of regulatory requirements.
As a regulator, you must be ready to perform effective supervision in a cost- and resource-effective manner. You also know that your regulatory activities must cover an ever-widening span of significant activities with unique risk profiles.
I practice a collaborative approach to regulation, where I work with regulators and regulated institutions determine how to maximize the effectiveness of regulation while minimizing the cost and complexity of supervision.
Talk to me about:
Internal audit of technology and payments activities
Supervision of significant activities
Payments regulations
Where I've made a difference:
Supported the internal audit function of numerous financial institutions and non-financial international organizations
Served as a payments subject matter expert and policy specialist for a provincial regulator conducting supervision of regulated financial institutions
Assisted credit unions with their responses to prudential regulators' supervision activities
Authored a major study on the cost of regulatory compliance for provincially-regulated financial institutions
Authored a Group Clearing policy review on behalf of Payments Canada
Conducted a series of major reviews of payments liquidity risk for provincial regulators